Wednesday, 5 August 2015

JBPM attempt

JBPM is such a complex workflow engine. I do not know why they separate the engine like the console part and the driver part. And following its indication and tutorial, I still do not know how to operate the engine in my project.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

JBPM suggestion

Dr. Chen just sent me a suggestion about the back end engine. It is the JBPM which is conducted by JBoss. I have read serval introduction of the JBPM, it is a powerful engine which has been acknowledged by many businesses. It just gets into the 6 title version and those introduction are just about the previous version. Therefore, I think I should read the JBPM documentation and try the demo in the documentation file.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Workflow model research

After researching about the workflow, I got that the workflow model should be designed to contain interfaces and ralative data just for improving the functionality of the model. In case, there are two popular workflow models in using by many companies. One is the XML Process Definition Language (XPDL), the other is Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). They are all describing the whole business sequence and can be used to represent the process in graphic.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Sample code review related to the workflow engine

In the previous days , Bob, who is working in CSIRO, has sent his demo code to show up the idea in the implementation field. Today, I just get time to read that code which is written by Groovy. It is the same as Java code but actually when I want to run the engine for further understanding, the environment cannot be built up. Due to this, I just read the code and get the basic idea.
As Bob mentioned before, the demo project overview is a web-based application project. It can be divided into two part front end part and back end part. In the front end part, is will just deal with the representation assignments and user interactions. On the other hand, in the back end part, it will do the activity mapping and data modeling. For example, in the front end, users submit the from, then the back end will figure out to where the from should be sent. In the demo, it is using rabbitqm as a massage queue system to receive the request from the front end.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Model- based system accepted

I just get Dr.Shiping Chen's project, which is called Model-based collaboration system. However, in this moment, I have no idea of the project. It sounds like a communication system building based on the web. I and James will work together to finish this project and I hope that it will not be that research relative because I want to improve my web application construction skills during this thesis project.